Gwyddion – Free SPM (AFM, SNOM/NSOM, STM, MFM, …) data analysis software

Subversion commits

Recent commits to Gwyddion subversion repository:

r27191 by yeti-dn on 2025-01-24 18:55:03 in GWYDDION-UNSTABLE

- updated 3.1 news a bit

Modified: NEWS

r27190 by yeti-dn on 2025-01-24 18:54:43 in GWYDDION-UNSTABLE

- reinstated tip_blind and grain_filter
- not completely ported, but compile

Modified: grain_filter.c

r27189 by yeti-dn on 2025-01-24 18:39:11 in GWYDDION-UNSTABLE

- added new helper widgets

Modified: libgwydgets-docs.xml

r27188 by yeti-dn on 2025-01-24 18:37:37 in GWYDDION-UNSTABLE

- use gwy_clear1 macro

Modified: file.c gwymoduleutils-file.c toolbox-editor.c toolbox.c gwycontainer.c gwymath-gridcheck.c gwyresults.c gwyserializable.c gwyutils.c gwyfittable.c gwyshapefitpreset.c triangulation.c cmap_align.c cmap_crop.c cmap_cutter.c cmap_extractcurve.c cmap_fdfit.c cmap_fit.c cmap_fztofd.c cmap_linestat.c cmap_lockin.c cmap_polylevel.c cmap_possearch.c cmap_simplemech.c cmap_sinebg.c cmap_volumize.c accurexii-txt.c afmw-spec.c aistfile.c andorsif.c apefile.c asdfile.c attocube.c bcrfile.c burleigh.c createc.c csmfile.c dektakvca.c dm3file.c formats3d.c gsffile.c gwytiff.c gwyzlib.h gxyzffile.c hdf4file.c datxfile.c ergofile.c gwyhdf5.c nhffile.c hitachi-sem.c igorfile.c imgexport.c intematix.c jeoltem.c jpkscan.c jspmfile.c leica.c magellan.c matfile.c microprof.c mifile.c nanomagnetics.c nanonics.c nanonis-spec.c nanonis.c nanoobserver.c nanoscan.c nanosystemz.c netcdf.c nmmxyz.c nova-asc.c npyfile.c nt-mdt.c oirfile.c oldmda.c ols.c ometiff.c omicron.c omicronmatrix.c opengps.c phoenix.c pixmap.c pltfile.c princetonspe.c psppt.c pt3file.c quazarnpic.c rawfile.c rawgraph.c renishaw.c rhk-sm4.c scafile.c scanfile.c scnxfile.c sensofarx.c sensolytics.c sis.c spip-asc.c spmlab.c spmlabf.c spmxfile.c stmprg.c surffile.c tescan.c tiaser.c ttffile.c unisoku.c wipfile.c witec-asc.c witfile.c wsffile.c wsxmfile.c zonfile.c graph_cut.c graph_export_ascii.c graph_fit.c graph_fztofd.c graph_logscale.c graph_measure_period.c graph_peaks.c graph_polylevel.c graph_sfuncs.c graph_simplemech.c graph_sinebg.c graph_stats.c graph_terraces.c acf2d.c angle_dist.c anneal_synth.c arc-revolve.c arithmetic.c averaging.c bdep_synth.c binning.c blockstep.c calibrate.c coerce.c col_synth.c convolve.c correct_affine.c correct_perspective.c cpde_synth.c crosscor.c curvature.c cwt.c deconvolve.c deposit_synth.c diff_synth.c disc_synth.c displfield.c domain_synth.c drift.c dune_synth.c dwt.c dwtanisotropy.c entropy.c extend.c extract_path.c facet_analysis.c facet_measure.c fbm_synth.c fft_filter_1d.c fft_synth.c fibre_synth.c fit-shape.c fractal.c freq_split.c gaussian_step.c good_profile.c grain_cross.c grain_edge.c grain_mark.c immerse.c indent_analyze.c lat_synth.c level_grains.c linematch.c lno_synth.c logistic.c mark_disconn.c mark_with.c mask_morph.c mask_noisify.c mask_shift.c mcrop.c measure_lattice.c median-bg.c merge.c mfm_current.c mfm_field.c mfm_findshift.c mfm_parallel.c mfm_recalc.c mfm_shift.c multiprofile.c neural.c noise_synth.c obj_synth.c pat_synth.c pfm.c phase_synth.c pid.c pileup_synth.c plateau_synth.c polylevel.c psdf2d.c psf-fit.c psf.c ptranslate.c rank-filter.c raveraging.c relate.c resample.c residue_synth.c roddeposit_synth.c scars.c slope_dist.c smm.c smm_apply.c sphere-revolve.c stitch.c straighten_path.c terracefit.c threshold.c tip_blind.c tip_model.c tipops.c tipshape.c trimmed-mean.c volumize_layers.c wave_synth.c wfr_synth.c wrapvalue.c zero_crossing.c volume_1dfft.c volume_addframe.c volume_arithmetic.c volume_asciiexport.c volume_calibrate.c volume_crop.c volume_drift.c volume_equiplane.c volume_extract.c volume_flattenbase.c volume_kmeans.c volume_kmedians.c volume_linelevel.c volume_linestat.c volume_localdetect.c volume_mfmrecalc.c volume_planestat.c volume_psf.c volume_removeframe.c volume_rephase.c volume_scars.c volume_slice.c volume_strayfield.c volume_swaxes.c volume_xyarithmetic.c volume_xystitch.c volume_zcal.c volume_zposlevel.c xyz_drift.c xyz_fft.c xyz_level.c xyz_raster.c xyzops.c

r27187 by yeti-dn on 2025-01-24 18:36:51 in GWYDDION-UNSTABLE

- added gwy_clear1() macro for clearing of single variables

Modified: gwymacros.c gwymacros.h

r27186 by yeti-dn on 2025-01-24 18:19:29 in GWYDDION-UNSTABLE

- fix minus sign of numbers we are are just displaying (not editing) to Unicode

Modified: gwyfittable.c

r27185 by yeti-dn on 2025-01-24 18:18:19 in GWYDDION-UNSTABLE

- fixed basic mistakes in construction and resizing

Modified: gwycorreltable.c

r27184 by yeti-dn on 2025-01-24 18:17:48 in GWYDDION-UNSTABLE

- fixed parameter name from phi to φ

Modified: gwyshapefitpreset.c

r27183 by yeti-dn on 2025-01-24 17:38:40 in GWYDDION-UNSTABLE

- removed more Since markers

Modified: gwyshapefitpreset.c

r27182 by yeti-dn on 2025-01-24 17:36:45 in GWYDDION-UNSTABLE

- removed Since markers

Modified: gwyshapefitpreset.c

r27181 by yeti-dn on 2025-01-24 17:36:18 in GWYDDION-UNSTABLE

- finished the change from covariance to correlation matrix in Results
- includes internal renaming

Modified: gwyresults.c gwyresults.h graph_fit.c fit-shape.c

r27180 by yeti-dn on 2025-01-24 17:28:31 in GWYDDION-UNSTABLE

- renamed gwy_results_fill_covariance_matrix() to gwy_results_fill_correlation_matrix()
  because that's what it is

Modified: gwyresults.c gwyresults.h graph_fit.c fit-shape.c

r27179 by yeti-dn on 2025-01-24 17:21:36 in GWYDDION-UNSTABLE

- made graph_fit at least compile

Modified: graph_fit.c

r27178 by yeti-dn on 2025-01-22 18:50:50 in GWYDDION-UNSTABLE

- renamed fit state enum to a generic one (without SHAPE)

Modified: fit-shape.c

r27177 by yeti-dn on 2025-01-22 18:50:13 in GWYDDION-UNSTABLE

- fix minus signs to Unicode
- show labels when constructing them

Modified: gwycorreltable.c

r27176 by yeti-dn on 2025-01-22 18:49:41 in GWYDDION-UNSTABLE

- continuing graph_fit porting

Modified: graph_fit.c

r27175 by yeti-dn on 2025-01-22 17:30:05 in GWYDDION-UNSTABLE

- trying to port also to GwyCorrelTable

Modified: fit-shape.c

r27174 by yeti-dn on 2025-01-22 16:54:59 in GWYDDION-UNSTABLE

- added a helper widget for displaying a correlation matrix

Modified: gwycorreltable.c (new) gwycorreltable.h (new) gwydgets.h

r27173 by yeti-dn on 2025-01-22 16:54:40 in GWYDDION-UNSTABLE

- handle header presence correctly when resizing
- small code unification and fixes

Modified: gwyfittable.c

r27172 by yeti-dn on 2025-01-16 19:09:27 in GWYDDION-UNSTABLE

- started rewritting graph_fit to GwyParams and GwyFitTable
- crrently does not even compile

Modified: graph_cut.c graph_fit.c

r27171 by yeti-dn on 2025-01-16 18:56:33 in GWYDDION-UNSTABLE

- added functions fot getting data powers in parameters

Modified: gwynlfitpreset.c gwynlfitpreset.h

r27170 by yeti-dn on 2025-01-16 17:51:22 in GWYDDION-UNSTABLE

- added checkboxes in a row type control

Modified: param-table.c param-table.h

r27169 by yeti-dn on 2025-01-16 17:14:24 in GWYDDION-UNSTABLE

- fixed fit table constructions

Modified: fit-shape.c

r27168 by yeti-dn on 2025-01-16 17:13:59 in GWYDDION-UNSTABLE

- fixed mixed up grid columns and boolean field names

Modified: gwyfittable.c

r27167 by yeti-dn on 2025-01-16 16:54:24 in GWYDDION-UNSTABLE

- handle headers by inserting an extra row (and keeping track if we have any headers)

Modified: gwyfittable.c

r27166 by yeti-dn on 2025-01-15 10:15:12 in GWYDDION-UNSTABLE

- ported relate to GwyFitTable as an much simpler example

Modified: relate.c

r27165 by yeti-dn on 2025-01-15 10:14:24 in GWYDDION-UNSTABLE

- fixed basic stupid bugs and typos

Modified: gwyfittable.c

r27164 by yeti-dn on 2025-01-14 16:00:13 in GWYDDION-UNSTABLE

- converting fit-shape to FitTable
- compiles, but currently total mess

Modified: fit-shape.c

r27163 by yeti-dn on 2025-01-14 15:59:36 in GWYDDION-UNSTABLE

- try to handle units of angle params directly in FitTable

Modified: gwyfittable.c gwyfittable.h

r27162 by yeti-dn on 2025-01-13 16:22:27 in GWYDDION-UNSTABLE

- added a function to set tooltips
- fixed some copy'n'paste errors

Modified: gwyfittable.c gwyfittable.h

r27161 by yeti-dn on 2025-01-13 15:44:46 in GWYDDION-UNSTABLE

- more or less finished the initial implementation of FitTable

Modified: gwyfittable.c gwyfittable.h

r27160 by yeti-dn on 2025-01-12 12:16:26 in GWYDDION-UNSTABLE

- progressing with FitTable implementation

Modified: gwyfittable.c gwyfittable.h

r27159 by yeti-dn on 2025-01-12 11:31:33 in GWYDDION-UNSTABLE

- replaced value format clone function with more standard assign-style function

Modified: param-table.c gwysivalueformat.c gwysivalueformat.h

r27158 by yeti-dn on 2025-01-11 11:09:16 in GWYDDION-UNSTABLE

- progressing on implementatio of FitTable

Modified: gwyfittable.c gwyfittable.h

r27157 by yeti-dn on 2025-01-11 11:06:01 in GWYDDION-UNSTABLE

- adoped script (now only python3, probably)

Modified: (new)

r27156 by yeti-dn on 2025-01-10 19:58:24 in GWYDDION-UNSTABLE

- started a helper widget for fit parameter tables

Modified: gwydgets.h gwyfittable.c (new) gwyfittable.h (new)

r27155 by yeti-dn on 2025-01-10 18:34:26 in GWYDDION-UNSTABLE

- ported to GtkGrid

Modified: spotremove.c

r27154 by yeti-dn on 2025-01-08 13:29:53 in GWYDDION-UNSTABLE

- ported to GtkGrid

Modified: relate.c

r27153 by yeti-dn on 2025-01-08 13:24:01 in GWYDDION-UNSTABLE

- removed GtkTable functions which are no longer used

Modified: gwycheckboxes.c gwycheckboxes.h

r27152 by yeti-dn on 2025-01-08 13:21:06 in GWYDDION-UNSTABLE

- ported to GtkGrid

Modified: cmap_cutter.c

r27151 by yeti-dn on 2025-01-08 13:11:46 in GWYDDION-UNSTABLE

- got rid of g_slice

Modified: dektakvca.c nmmxyz.c quazarnpic.c wipfile.c fibre_synth.c grain_filter.c lat_synth.c wpour_mark.c

r27150 by yeti-dn on 2025-01-08 12:19:31 in GWYDDION-UNSTABLE

- got rid of g_slice

Modified: app.c data-browser.c datachooser.c help.c param-table.c params.c

r27149 by yeti-dn on 2025-01-08 12:11:18 in GWYDDION-UNSTABLE

- got rid of g_slice

Modified: toolbox-editor.c toolbox.c

r27148 by yeti-dn on 2025-01-08 12:07:36 in GWYDDION-UNSTABLE

- got rid of g_slice

Modified: gwyrandgenset.c

r27147 by yeti-dn on 2025-01-08 11:52:29 in GWYDDION-UNSTABLE

- got rid of g_slice()

Modified: gwyexpr.c

r27146 by yeti-dn on 2025-01-07 18:08:39 in GWYDDION-UNSTABLE

- got rid of g_slice

Modified: grains-disttrans.c grains-values.c gwyprocessinternal.h peaks.c spline.c stats-entropy.c

r27145 by yeti-dn on 2025-01-07 17:57:38 in GWYDDION-UNSTABLE

- define GwyXY and GwyXYZ in separate files and without g_slice

Modified: gwyddion.h gwymath.c gwymath.h gwyxy.c (new) gwyxy.h (new) gwyxyz.c (new) gwyxyz.h (new)

r27144 by yeti-dn on 2025-01-07 17:37:42 in GWYDDION-UNSTABLE

- got rid of g_slice

Modified: gwyrgba.c

r27143 by yeti-dn on 2025-01-07 17:30:22 in GWYDDION-UNSTABLE

- standardised mkenum handling to just run on all the headers

Modified: gwymodule-file.h gwymoduleenums.h

r27142 by yeti-dn on 2025-01-07 17:19:02 in GWYDDION-UNSTABLE

- ported GraphLabelDialog
- the various styles of how graph dialogues are used are still a mess

Modified: gwygrapharea.c gwygraphaxisdialog.c gwygraphlabeldialog.c gwygraphlabeldialog.h

1.3 (yeti, 2014-06-08 11:10:03)
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