Module gwy :: Class HoldSelectionFlags
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Class HoldSelectionFlags

source code

Flags controlling the selection holding behaviour of tools.

Although any combination of flags is valid, this is mainly so that user's choice is not reset. For any holding to be done at all the HOLD_SELECTION_HOLD flag must be set. If it is unset then HOLD_SELECTION_OVERWRITE and HOLD_SELECTION_CLEAR do not matter. Similarly, for HOLD_SELECTION_CLEAR has any effect only if overwriting is enabled by setting HOLD_SELECTION_OVERWRITE.

Since: 2.63

Note: All the enumerated values are defined at the module level, not the class level. The are just groupped by class here for easier orientation.

Class Variables [hide private]
If the current image has no selection the selection on the new image is cleared.
Selections are held (transferred to the new image).
Existing selections on the new image is replaced.