Supported File Formats

File FormatExtensionsModuleReadWriteSPSVolumeCurve map
Accurion ASCII exported scanning ellipsometry.txtaccurellYes
Accurex II text data.txtaccurexii-txtYes
AFM Workshop spectroscopy.csvafmw-specYes
Alicona Imaging AL3D data.al3daliconaYes
Ambios AMB.ambambfileYes[a]
Ambios 1D profilometry data.dat, .xmlambprofileYes
Analysis Studio XML.axd, .axzanasys_xmlYesYes
Anfor SIF.sifandorsifYes[a]
Anfatec.par, .intanfatecYesYes
A.P.E. Research DAX.daxapedaxfileYes
A.P.E. Research APDT.apdtapedaxfileYes
A.P.E. Research DAT.datapefileYes
Asylum Research ARDF.ardfardfYesYes
Text matrix of data values.txtasciiexportYes
ASD high-speed AFM files.asdasdfileYes
Assing AFM.afmassing-afmYesYes
Attocube Systems ASC.ascattocubeYes
Image Metrology BCR, BCRF.bcr, .bcrfbcrfileYes
Burleigh BII.biiburleigh_biiYes
Burleigh IMG v2.1.imgburleighYes
Burleigh exported data.txt, .binburleigh_expYes
Code V interferogram data.intcodevfileYes
Createc DAT.datcreatecYes
Benyuan CSM.csmcsmfileYes
Dektak OPDx profilometry data.OPDxdektakvcaYes
Dektak XML profilometry data.xmldektakxmlYes
Veeco Dimension 3100D.001, .002, etc.dimensionfileYes[a]
Digital Micrograph DM3 TEM data.dm3dm3fileYes
Digital Micrograph DM4 TEM data.dm4dm3fileYes
DME Rasterscope.imgdmefileYes
Gwyddion dumb dump data.dumpdumbfileYes
Evovis XML profilometry data.xmlevovisxmlYes
Nanosurf EZD, NID.ezd, .nidezdfileYes
FemtoScan SPM.spmfemtoscanYes
FemtoScan text data.txtfemtoscan-txtYes[b]
Flexible Image Transport System (FITS).fits, .fitfitsfileYes
VTK structured grid file.vtkformats3dYes
PLY 3D Polygon File Format.plyformats3dYes
Wavefront OBJ 3D geometry.objformats3dYesYes
Object File Format 3D geometry.offformats3dYes
Stereolitography STL 3D geometry (binary).stlformats3dYesYes
XYZ, .datformats3dYesYes
DME GDEF.gdfgdeffileYes
Gwyddion Simple Field.gsfgsffileYesYes
Gwyddion native data.gwygwyfileYesYesYesYes
Gwyddion XYZ data.gxyzfgxyzffileYesYes
Psi HDF4.hdfhdf4fileYes
Hitachi AFM.afmhitachi-afmYes
Hitachi S-3700 and S-4800 SEM data.txt + imagehitachi-semYes
WaveMetrics IGOR binary wave v5.ibwigorfileYesYes
WaveMetrics IGOR Packed files.pxpigorfileYes
IntelliWave ESD.esdintelliwaveYes
Intematix SDF.sdfintematixYes
ISO 28600:2011 SPM data transfer format.spmiso28600YesYesLimited[c]
JEOL TEM image.tifjeoltemYes[a]
JPK Instruments.jpk, .jpk-qi-image, .jpk-force, .jpk-force-map, .jpk-qi-datajpkscanYesYesYes
JEOL JSPM.tifjspmfileYes
Keyence profilometry VK3, VK4, VK6, VK7.vk3, .vk4, .vk6, .vk7keyenceYes
Leica LIF Data File.lifleicaYesYes
Olympus LEXT 4000.lextlextfileYes
FEI Magellan SEM images.tifmagellanYes
Matlab MAT 5 files.matmatfileYes
Zygo MetroPro DAT.datmetroproYes
MicroProf TXT.txtmicroprofYes
MicroProf FRT.frtmicroprofYes
DME MIF.mifmiffileYes
Molecular Imaging MI.mimifileYesLimited[c]Yes
Aarhus MUL.mulmulfileYes
Nanoeducator.mspm, .stm, .spmnanoeducatorYesYes
Nanomagnetics NMI.nminanomagneticsYes
Nanonics NAN.nannanonicsYes
Nanonis SXM.sxmnanonisYes
Nanonis STS spectroscopy.datnanonis-specYes
Nanoscan XML.xmlnanoscanYes
Veeco Nanoscope III.spm, .001, .002, etc.nanoscopeYesLimited[c]YesYes
Veeco Nanoscope II.001, .002, etc.nanoscope-iiYes
NanoSystem profilometry.spmnanosystemzYes
Nanotop SPM.spmnanotopYes
GSXM NetCDF.ncnetcdfYes
Nano Measuring Machine profile data.dsc + .datnmmxyzYes[d]
Nova ASCII.txtnova-ascYes
Numpy binary serialised array.npynpyfileYes
Multiple numpy binary serialised arrays.npznpyfileYes
Nearly raw raster data (NRRD).nrrdnrrdfileYes[e]Yes[f]Yes
EM4SYS NX II.bmpnxiifileYes
Olympus OIR.oiroirfileYes
Olympus packed OIR.poiroirfileYes
NT-MDT old MDA.sxml + .datoldmdaYes
Olympus LEXT 3000.olsolsYes
Open Microscopy OME TIFF.ome.tiff, .ome.tifometiffYes
Omicron SCALA.par + .tf*, .tb*, .sf*, .sb*omicronYesYes
Omicron flat format.*_flatomicronflatYes
Omicron MATRIX.mtrxomicronmatrixYesLimited[c]Yes
Wyko OPD.opdopdfileYes
Wyko ASCII.ascopdfileYes
OpenGPS X3P (ISO 5436-2).x3popengpsYes
NASA Phoenix Mars mission AFM data.dat, .lbl + .tabphoenixYes
Pixmap images.png, .jpeg, .tiff, .tga, .pnm, .bmppixmapYes[g]Yes[h]
Nanosurf PLT.pltpltfileYes
Pacific Nanotechnology PNI.pnipnifileYes
Princeton Instruments camera SPE.speprincetonspeYes
Park Systems.tiff, .tifpsiaYes
Park Systems
SymPhoTime TTTR v2.0 data.pt3pt3fileYes
Quazar NPIC.npicquazarnpicYes[a]
Quesant AFM.afmquesantYes
Raw text filesanyrawfileYes
Raw binary filesanyrawfileYes
Graph text data (raw)anyrawgraphYes[i]
Renishaw WiRE Data File.wdfrenishawYesYesYes
RHK Instruments SM3.sm3rhk-sm3YesLimited[c]
RHK Instruments SM4.sm4rhk-sm4YesLimited[c]
RHK Instruments SM2.sm2rhk-spm32YesLimited[c]
Automation and Robotics Dual Lens Mapper.mcr, .mct, .mceroboticsYes
S94 STM files.s94s94fileYes
Cyber technologies SCAN data.scanscanfileYes
Cyber technologies SCNX data.scnxscnxfileYes
Surfstand Surface Data File.sdfsdfileYesYes
Micromap SDFA.sdfasdfileYes
Seiko SII.xqb, .xqd, .xqt, .xqp, .xqj, .xqiseikoYes
Sensofar PLu.plu, .apxsensofarYes
Sensofar PLUx data.pluxsensofarxYes
Sensolytics DAT.datsensolyticsYesYes
Shimadzu.sph, .spp, .001, .002, etc.shimadzuYes
Shimadzu ASCII.txtshimadzuYes
IonScope SICM.imgsicmfileYes
Surface Imaging Systems.sissisYes
Thermo Fisher SPC File.spcspcfileYes
SPIP ASCII.ascspip-ascYesYes
Thermicroscopes SPMLab R4-R7.tfr, .ffr, etc.spmlabYes
Thermicroscopes SPMLab floating point.fltspmlabfYes
SPML (Scanning Probe Microscopy Markup Language).xmlspmlYes
ATC SPMxFormat data.spmspmxfileYes
Omicron STMPRGtp*, ta*stmprgYes
Molecular Imaging STP.stpstpfileYes
Tescan MIRA SEM images.tiftescanYes
Tescan LYRA SEM images.hdr + .pngtescanYes
FEI Tecnai imaging and analysis (former Emispec) data.sertiaserYesYesYes
Corning Tropel UltraSort topograhpical data.ttfttffileYes
Corning Tropel exported CSV data.csvttffileYes
Unisoku.hdr + .datunisokuYes
WinSTM data.stmwin_stmYes
WITec Project data.wipwipfileYesYesYes
WITec ASCII export.datwitec-ascYes
Department of Nanometrology, WRUST.datwrustfileYes
AFM Workshop data.wsfwsffileYes
Nanotec WSxM.tom, .top, .stpwsxmfileYesYes
Nanotec WSxM curves.curwsxmfileYes
Carl Zeiss SEM scans.tifzeissYes
Carl Zeiss CLSM images.lsmzeisslsmYesYes
Zemax grid sag data.datzemaxYes
KLA Zeta profilometry data.zmgzmgfileYes
Keyence ZON data.zonzonfileYes
ZyVector Scanz.zadzyvexYes
OpenEXR images.exrhdrimageYesYes
Zygo DATX HDF5.datxdatxfileYes
EPFL HDF5.h5epflfileYes
Asylum Research Ergo HDF5.h5,.arisergofileYes
Generic HDF5 files.h5hdf5fileYes
Matlab MAT 7.x files.mathdf5fileYes
Nanosurf NHF.nhfnhffileYes
N-Dimensional Spectroscopy and Imaging Data (NSID) HDF5.h5nsidfileYes
Shilps Sciences Lucent HDF5.h5shilpsfileYesYesYesYes

[a] The import module is unfinished due to the lack of documentation, testing files and/or people willing to help with the testing. If you can help please contact us.

[b] Regular sampling in both X and Y direction is assumed.

[c] Spectra curves are imported as graphs, positional information is lost.

[d] XYZ data are interpolated to a regular grid upon import.

[e] Not all variants are implemented.

[f] Data are exported in a fixed attached native-endian float point format.

[g] Import support relies on Gdk-Pixbuf and hence may vary among systems.

[h] Usually lossy, intended for presentational purposes. 16bit grayscale export is possible to PNG, TIFF and PNM.

[i] At present, only simple two-column data, imported as graph curves, are supported.