Gwyddion – Free SPM (AFM, SNOM/NSOM, STM, MFM, …) data analysis software

Subversion commits

Recent commits to Gwyddion subversion repository:

r27667 by yeti-dn on yesterday 17:34:23 in GWYDDION-UNSTABLE

- split validation by pspec from the main function and added the missing types

Modified: serializable-utils.c

r27666 by yeti-dn on yesterday 17:33:22 in GWYDDION-UNSTABLE

- added tests for filtering items by pspec

Modified: serialization-utils.c test-list.txt

r27665 by yeti-dn on yesterday 16:17:25 in GWYDDION-UNSTABLE

- added a simple gwy_fill_serializable_defaults_pspec() test

Modified: serialization-utils.c test-list.txt

r27664 by yeti-dn on yesterday 14:57:28 in GWYDDION-UNSTABLE

- mergeinfo, probably svn self-inflicted


r27663 by yeti-dn on yesterday 14:54:50 in GWYDDION-UNSTABLE

- tell gwy_fill_serializable_defaults_pspec() to not check name mismatchess when we know
  there are

Modified: gwyrgba.c gwyselection.c gwygllabel.c gwyglsetup.c gwygraphcurvemodel.c gwygraphmodel.c selection-axis.c selection-path.c selection-range.c brick.c datafield.c dataline.c lawn.c

r27662 by yeti-dn on yesterday 14:53:11 in GWYDDION-UNSTABLE

- removed forgotten pangoft2 variable assignment


r27661 by yeti-dn on yesterday 14:49:42 in GWYDDION-UNSTABLE

- added a flag to not check if property and item names match when filling pspecs
- check if property name is static when it is used to set item name

Modified: serializable-utils.c serializable-utils.h

r27660 by yeti-dn on yesterday 14:27:34 in GWYDDION-UNSTABLE

- fixed serialisable item enum not matching the actual item list

Modified: gwygraphmodel.c

r27659 by yeti-dn on yesterday 14:16:25 in GWYDDION-UNSTABLE

- stop skipping resource and gradient editor


r27658 by yeti-dn on yesterday 14:11:06 in GWYDDION-UNSTABLE

- fixed passing own type instead of GWY_TYPE_SERIALIZABLE to G_IMPLEMENT_INTERFACE

Modified: brick.c

r27657 by yeti-dn on yesterday 14:01:51 in GWYDDION-UNSTABLE

- added xincludes for annotation glossary to get rid of warnings about gi markuip

Modified: libgwyapp-docs.xml libgwyddion-docs.xml libgwydgets-docs.xml libgwydraw-docs.xml libgwymodule-docs.xml libgwyprocess-docs.xml

r27656 by yeti-dn on yesterday 13:59:32 in GWYDDION-UNSTABLE

- ignore tests


r27655 by yeti-dn on yesterday 13:50:08 in GWYDDION-UNSTABLE

- added missing implementations of gwy_spectra_copy() and gwy_spectra_assign()

Modified: spectra.c

r27654 by yeti-dn on yesterday 13:46:29 in GWYDDION-UNSTABLE

- dealing with serialisation method renaming and container argument change fallout

Modified: cmap_crop.c correct_affine.c fit-shape.c immerse.c shade.c selectionmanager.c spectro.c volume_asciiexport.c xyz_raster.c

r27653 by yeti-dn on yesterday 11:31:54 in GWYDDION-UNSTABLE

- dealing with serialisation method renaming and container argument change fallout

Modified: cmap_align.c cmap_crop.c cmap_cutter.c cmap_extractcurve.c cmap_fdfit.c cmap_fit.c cmap_fztofd.c cmap_linestat.c cmap_lockin.c cmap_polylevel.c cmap_possearch.c cmap_simplemech.c cmap_sinebg.c cmap_volumize.c graph_cut.c graph_dos_spectrum.c graph_fztofd.c graph_measure_period.c graph_merge.c graph_polylevel.c graph_sinebg.c graph_terraces.c acf2d.c arc-revolve.c basicops.c binning.c blockstep.c calibrate.c classify.c coerce.c convolution_filter.c correct_affine.c crosscor.c cwt.c displfield.c drift.c edge.c entropy.c extend.c facet_analysis.c fft.c fft_filter_1d.c fit-shape.c flatten_base.c freq_split.c good_profile.c grain_edge.c hertz.c hough.c immerse.c indent_analyze.c level.c level_grains.c linematch.c local_contrast.c logistic.c mask_distribute.c mask_edt.c mask_morph.c mask_shift.c maskcor.c maskops.c measure_lattice.c mfm_current.c mfm_parallel.c mfm_recalc.c neural.c polydistort.c presentationops.c psdf2d.c psf-fit.c psf.c ptranslate.c rank-filter.c raveraging.c roddeposit_synth.c rotate.c smm_apply.c sphere-revolve.c stitch.c straighten_path.c terracefit.c threshold.c tilt.c volumize.c macro-prototypes.h corrlen.c cprofile.c crop.c filter.c grainremover.c linestats.c profile.c roughness.c rprofile.c selectionmanager.c sfunctions.c spectro.c volume_1dfft.c volume_addframe.c volume_calibrate.c volume_crop.c volume_drift.c volume_equiplane.c volume_facetlevel.c volume_fdfit.c volume_flattenbase.c volume_invert.c volume_lawnize.c volume_linelevel.c volume_linestat.c volume_localdetect.c volume_meanplanelevel.c volume_mfmrecalc.c volume_outliers.c volume_planelevel.c volume_planestat.c volume_psf.c volume_removeframe.c volume_rephase.c volume_scars.c volume_slice.c volume_stepline.c volume_strayfield.c volume_swaxes.c volume_xystitch.c volume_zcal.c volume_zposlevel.c volumeops.c xyz_autocrop.c xyz_average.c xyz_crop.c xyz_fft.c xyz_merge.c xyz_raster.c xyz_reduce.c xyz_split.c xyz_tcut.c xyz_zdrift.c

r27652 by yeti-dn on yesterday 11:24:03 in GWYDDION-UNSTABLE

- dealing with more serialisation and Container changes fallout
- also tried to rewrite gwyfile to new serialisation functions

Modified: gwyfile.c imgexport.c renishaw.c

r27651 by yeti-dn on yesterday 10:48:03 in GWYDDION-UNSTABLE

- use auto-sized memory streams for serialisation testing

Modified: serialization.c

r27650 by yeti-dn on yesterday 10:14:38 in GWYDDION-UNSTABLE

- updated TODO notes

Modified: TODO.gtk3

r27649 by yeti-dn on yesterday 10:09:46 in gwyddion

- started 2.69 news

Modified: NEWS

r27648 by yeti-dn on yesterday 10:07:04 in gwyddion

- added a simple curve map export to text

Modified: cmap_asciiexport.c (new)

r27646 by yeti-dn on 2025-03-27 18:26:14 in GWYDDION-UNSTABLE

- fixing fallout from serialisation method rename and changing Container string arguments
  to unsigned

Modified: app.c data-browser-aux.c data-browser.c filelist.c gwyappfilechooser.c gwymoduleutils.c gwyplaintool.c gwyresultsexport.c help.c log.c params.c resource-editor.c settings.c undo.c validate.c

r27644 by yeti-dn on 2025-03-27 17:05:47 in GWYDDION-UNSTABLE

- added a helper to assigning to GStrings which can handle NULL
- added assertions that strings stored in Container cannot be NULL

Modified: gwycontainer.c gwyresource.c gwyutils-string.c gwyutils.h

r27643 by yeti-dn on 2025-03-27 15:01:43 in GWYDDION-UNSTABLE

- alpha needs default value of 1

Modified: gwyrgba.c

r27642 by yeti-dn on 2025-03-27 14:59:04 in GWYDDION-UNSTABLE

- register RGBA as serialisable boxed type

Modified: gwyrgba.c gwyrgba.h

r27641 by yeti-dn on 2025-03-27 14:54:28 in GWYDDION-UNSTABLE

- removed explicit check for abnormal deserialised values
- already done in filter_items()

Modified: xy.c xyz.c

r27640 by yeti-dn on 2025-03-27 13:00:39 in GWYDDION-UNSTABLE

- use more serialisation helpers

Modified: serialization.c

r27639 by yeti-dn on 2025-03-27 13:00:20 in GWYDDION-UNSTABLE

- added a boolean serialisation helper

Modified: serializable-utils.c serializable-utils.h

r27638 by yeti-dn on 2025-03-27 12:47:30 in GWYDDION-UNSTABLE

- use pspecs to validate deserialised atomic items

Modified: gwyselection.c brick.c datafield.c dataline.c lawn.c spectra.c surface.c

r27637 by yeti-dn on 2025-03-27 12:46:49 in GWYDDION-UNSTABLE

- check pspec vs. item name mismatch
- allow leaving item name NULL and take it from pspec then

Modified: serializable-utils.c

r27636 by yeti-dn on 2025-03-26 19:23:34 in GWYDDION-UNSTABLE

- use implicit validation by pspec in to make serializable_construct() sane again

Modified: datafield.c dataline.c

r27635 by yeti-dn on 2025-03-26 19:22:51 in GWYDDION-UNSTABLE

- added functions to fill serialisable item defaults using pspecs

Modified: serializable-utils.c serializable-utils.h

r27634 by yeti-dn on 2025-03-26 18:49:16 in GWYDDION-UNSTABLE

- added filter-by-pspec possbility directly to gwy_deserialize_filter_items()
- object providing pspecs will only get validated values

Modified: serializable-utils.c

r27633 by yeti-dn on 2025-03-26 18:12:07 in GWYDDION-UNSTABLE

- use a separate SerializableItem field for boxed type GType

Modified: gwycontainer.c serializable-utils.c serializable.h serialize.c

r27632 by yeti-dn on 2025-03-26 17:28:42 in GWYDDION-UNSTABLE

- updated to new double deserialisation helpers

Modified: brick.c datafield.c dataline.c lawn.c

r27631 by yeti-dn on 2025-03-26 17:14:20 in GWYDDION-UNSTABLE

- added string list tests
- fixed string list deserialisation but

Modified: gwystringlist.c string-list.c (new) test-list.txt

r27630 by yeti-dn on 2025-03-26 16:33:36 in GWYDDION-UNSTABLE

- do not use plain g_assert() in tests; use g_assert_true() and g_assert_false()

Modified: gwysiunit.c gwystringlist.c serialization.c unit.c

r27629 by yeti-dn on 2025-03-26 16:14:37 in GWYDDION-UNSTABLE

- changed serialisation policy for default values to include them too as it would require
  any reader to know all the default values
- only skip empty arrays and NULLs

Modified: serializable-utils.c serialization-utils.c

r27628 by yeti-dn on 2025-03-25 18:33:02 in GWYDDION-UNSTABLE

- use helper for max_objects item checking

Modified: gwyselection.c

r27627 by yeti-dn on 2025-03-25 18:29:41 in GWYDDION-UNSTABLE

- removed GWY_FIND_PSPEC macro

Modified: gwymacros.c gwymacros.h

r27626 by yeti-dn on 2025-03-25 18:29:14 in GWYDDION-UNSTABLE

- use properties[] instead of GWY_FIND_PSPEC

Modified: gwygllabel.c

r27625 by yeti-dn on 2025-03-25 18:19:05 in GWYDDION-UNSTABLE

- added tests for integer checking functions

Modified: serialization-utils.c test-list.txt

r27624 by yeti-dn on 2025-03-25 18:12:29 in GWYDDION-UNSTABLE

- added a range to deserialisation double checking function
- added similar integer and enum checkers

Modified: gwysiunit.h serializable-utils.c serializable-utils.h serialization-utils.c

r27623 by yeti-dn on 2025-03-25 17:57:08 in GWYDDION-UNSTABLE

- actually explicitly notify when properties change since we marked them so

Modified: gwygllabel.c

r27622 by yeti-dn on 2025-03-25 17:45:00 in GWYDDION-UNSTABLE

- ported GLLabel to new serialisation

Modified: gwygllabel.c

r27620 by yeti-dn on 2025-03-25 15:32:33 in GWYDDION-UNSTABLE

- ported Selection to new serialisation

Modified: gwyselection.c gwyselection.h

r27619 by yeti-dn on 2025-03-25 14:56:02 in GWYDDION-UNSTABLE

- added missing bits into serializable_assign()

Modified: lawn.c

r27618 by yeti-dn on 2025-03-25 14:43:19 in GWYDDION-UNSTABLE

- added some Unit tests
- mostly from old Gwyddion 3, but there is some disagreement how things should work

Modified: test-list.txt unit.c (new)

1.3 (yeti, 2014-06-08 11:10:03)
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