Gwyddion – Free SPM (AFM, SNOM/NSOM, STM, MFM, …) data analysis software

Subversion commits

Recent commits to Gwyddion subversion repository:

r27319 by klapetek on yesterday 15:36:00 in gwyddion

removed unused complex.h depedency

Modified: pfm.c

r27318 by yeti-dn on yesterday 09:35:43 in GWYDDION-UNSTABLE

- added notes about things to merge from 2.x

Modified: TODO.gtk3

r27317 by yeti-dn on yesterday 09:31:10 in user-guide

- upated mingw link in all language versions ( is no longer correct)
- updated GTK+ acronym to uppercase

Modified: gwyddion.xml installation-ms-windows.xml installation-osx.xml introduction.xml tip.xml toolbox-configuration.xml installation-mingw32.xml installation-mingw32.xml

r27316 by yeti-dn on yesterday 09:29:39 in user-guide

- updated mingw compilation according to information by Brian Carlsen

Modified: installation-mingw32.xml

r27315 by yeti-dn on 2025-02-20 16:58:00 in GWYDDION-UNSTABLE

- add the hbox with expand=TRUE in gwy_create_dialog_preview_hbox()

Modified: gwymoduleutils.c

r27314 by yeti-dn on 2025-02-20 16:54:22 in gwyddion

- request some minimum fixed vertical size for the psdf plot
- fixes the plot being almost zero height when the image is flat
- however, the plot does not expand vertically for some reason

Modified: freq_split.c

r27313 by yeti-dn on 2025-02-20 16:34:16 in GWYDDION-UNSTABLE

- ported smm to GtkGrid
- also replaced manual export controls with ResultsExport

Modified: smm.c

r27312 by yeti-dn on 2025-02-20 15:30:42 in GWYDDION-UNSTABLE

- more proprties marked as RWE

Modified: gwyadjustbar.c gwydataview.c gwyruler.c gwyscitext.c gwyvectorlayer.c

r27311 by yeti-dn on 2025-02-20 15:07:42 in GWYDDION-UNSTABLE

- use GradientSwatch to display gradient samples

Modified: cell-renderer-color.c cell-renderer-gradient.c gradient-swatch.c gwyoptionmenus.c

r27310 by yeti-dn on 2025-02-20 12:51:00 in GWYDDION-UNSTABLE

- use GradientSwatch for the preview

Modified: gradient-editor.c

r27309 by yeti-dn on 2025-02-20 12:50:44 in GWYDDION-UNSTABLE

- fixed gradient cairo matrix

Modified: gradient-swatch.c

r27308 by yeti-dn on 2025-02-20 12:40:19 in GWYDDION-UNSTABLE

- updated for renamed headers

Modified: graph_fit.c volume_fdfit.c

r27307 by yeti-dn on 2025-02-20 12:29:15 in GWYDDION-UNSTABLE

- added a simple gradient swatch widget

Modified: color-swatch.c correl-table.c fit-table.c gradient-swatch.c (new) gradient-swatch.h (new) gwydgets.h

r27305 by yeti-dn on 2025-02-20 12:04:20 in GWYDDION-UNSTABLE

- added a helper function for rendering checker patterns

Modified: cairo-utils.c cairo-utils.h color-swatch.c

r27304 by yeti-dn on 2025-02-20 12:00:58 in GWYDDION-UNSTABLE

- defined a macro for standard read/write/explicit-notify parameter flags

Modified: gwymacros.h

r27303 by yeti-dn on 2025-02-19 17:25:50 in GWYDDION-UNSTABLE

- no longer needs to sneakily include gwymoduleutils.h:

Modified: correl-table.c

r27302 by yeti-dn on 2025-02-19 17:25:10 in GWYDDION-UNSTABLE

- renamed new widget source files to the more readable style

Modified: color-swatch.c (new) color-swatch.h (new) correl-table.c (new) correl-table.h (new) fit-table.c (new) fit-table.h (new) gwycolorbutton.c gwycolorswatch.c (removed) gwycolorswatch.h (removed) gwycorreltable.c (removed) gwycorreltable.h (removed) gwydgets.h gwyfittable.c (removed) gwyfittable.h (removed)

r27301 by yeti-dn on 2025-02-19 15:24:57 in GWYDDION-UNSTABLE

- made graph window measurement dialog work again, more or less

Modified: gwycombobox.c gwygraphwindow.c gwygraphwindowmeasuredialog.c

r27300 by yeti-dn on 2025-02-19 14:30:21 in GWYDDION-UNSTABLE

- fixed signal mixup when setting va marshallers

Modified: gwyinventory.c

r27299 by yeti-dn on 2025-02-19 14:23:22 in GWYDDION-UNSTABLE

- use g_clear_object instead of unref for possibly unset objects in finalize

Modified: gwygraphwindowmeasuredialog.c

r27298 by yeti-dn on 2025-02-19 14:22:42 in GWYDDION-UNSTABLE

- set the static parent_class variable in class init function

Modified: gwyinventory.c

r27297 by yeti-dn on 2025-02-19 10:41:38 in GWYDDION-UNSTABLE

- moved Inventory private data to a private struct

Modified: gwyinventory.c gwyinventory.h

r27296 by yeti-dn on 2025-02-19 10:08:26 in GWYDDION-UNSTABLE

- do not crash when trying to create an empty Inventory
- do not try to disconnect handlers in gwy_set_member_object() if they happened to
  not be connected before

Modified: gwyinventory.c gwymacros.h gwyresults.h gwyutils.c

r27295 by klapetek on 2025-02-19 08:24:10 in gwyddion

fixed output graph title

Modified: volume_kmeans.c volume_kmedians.c

r27294 by klapetek on 2025-02-19 08:20:23 in gwyddion

fixed coding style

Modified: volume_dbscan.c

r27293 by klapetek on 2025-02-19 08:19:06 in gwyddion

fixed output graph title

Modified: volume_dbscan.c

r27292 by yeti-dn on 2025-02-18 18:00:57 in GWYDDION-UNSTABLE

- updated 3.1 news

Modified: NEWS

r27290 by yeti-dn on 2025-02-17 09:40:29 in gwyddion

- do not casefold the filter string and check whether the filter should be
  case sensitive in every gwy_meta_filter_visible_func() call

Modified: meta.c

r27289 by yeti-dn on 2025-02-17 09:22:08 in gwyddion

- added metadata fitler by key name (patch by Brian Carlsen)

Modified: meta.c

r27288 by klapetek on 2025-02-17 05:46:08 in gwyddion

removed debugging output

Modified: volume_dbscan.c

r27287 by yeti-dn on 2025-02-11 13:07:04 in GWYDDION-UNSTABLE

- include tip-model.h, not tip.h

Modified: tip_model.c

r27286 by yeti-dn on 2025-02-11 13:06:09 in GWYDDION-UNSTABLE

- split the tip model resource to a separate source file

Modified: gwyprocess.c gwyprocess.h gwyshapefitpreset.h tip-model.c (new) tip-model.h (new) tip.c tip.h

r27285 by yeti-dn on 2025-02-11 12:57:51 in GWYDDION-UNSTABLE

- aded missing gwy_tip_models() function

Modified: tip.c

r27284 by yeti-dn on 2025-02-11 12:51:04 in GWYDDION-UNSTABLE

- updated tip_model for library changes

Modified: tip_model.c

r27283 by yeti-dn on 2025-02-11 12:38:07 in GWYDDION-UNSTABLE

- made tip compile again

Modified: gwyprocessenums.c gwyshapefitpreset.c tip.c tip.h

r27282 by yeti-dn on 2025-02-10 18:21:54 in GWYDDION-UNSTABLE

- started cleaning up tip modes to a sane resource class
- still far from even compiling

Modified: gwyprocess.c gwyprocessinternal.h gwyshapefitpreset.c gwyshapefitpreset.h tip.c tip.h

r27281 by yeti-dn on 2025-02-10 18:21:10 in GWYDDION-UNSTABLE

- removed Since markers

Modified: brick.c

r27280 by yeti-dn on 2025-02-10 17:11:38 in GWYDDION-UNSTABLE

- ported imgexport to GtkGrid
- alignment of radibuttons does not work in GTK+ 3 so a kluge was needed
- colour buttons still a bit weird, but that is a ParamTable issue

Modified: imgexport.c

r27279 by yeti-dn on 2025-02-10 17:00:07 in GWYDDION-UNSTABLE

- trying to fix misaligned colour buttons

Modified: param-table.c

r27278 by yeti-dn on 2025-02-10 16:30:48 in GWYDDION-UNSTABLE

- ported readvalue to GtkGrid

Modified: readvalue.c

r27277 by yeti-dn on 2025-02-10 15:42:47 in GWYDDION-UNSTABLE

- made editing work, more or less

Modified: gradient-editor.c

r27276 by yeti-dn on 2025-02-10 13:50:04 in GWYDDION-UNSTABLE

- handle NULL arguments of get-width and get-height functions

Modified: cell-renderer-color.c cell-renderer-gradient.c

r27275 by yeti-dn on 2025-02-10 12:58:02 in GWYDDION-UNSTABLE

- switching gradients and passively browsing their points works

Modified: gradient-editor.c

r27274 by yeti-dn on 2025-02-10 12:11:33 in GWYDDION-UNSTABLE

- improved documentation

Modified: gwynullstore.c gwynullstore.h

r27273 by yeti-dn on 2025-02-10 11:57:09 in GWYDDION-UNSTABLE

- added a use_alpha flag to Gradient cairo pattern helper
- compute natural gradient and colour cell renderer sizes using the font size

Modified: cairo-utils.c cairo-utils.h cell-renderer-color.c cell-renderer-gradient.c gwycoloraxis.c widget-impl-utils.h

r27272 by yeti-dn on 2025-02-10 11:50:46 in gwyddion

- use ceil() not floor() for getting spin button number of digits from log10

Modified: gwydgetutils.c

r27271 by yeti-dn on 2025-02-10 11:50:22 in GWYDDION-UNSTABLE

- use ceil() not floor() for getting spin button number of digits from log10

Modified: gwydgetutils.c

r27270 by yeti-dn on 2025-02-10 10:24:24 in GWYDDION-UNSTABLE

- use sizes preferred by the checkbox and text renderers to determine the sample size

Modified: gwyoptionmenus.c

1.3 (yeti, 2014-06-08 11:10:03)
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