Gwyddion – Free SPM (AFM, SNOM/NSOM, STM, MFM, …) data analysis software

GwyDialog (HEAD)

GwyDialog — Data processing module dialog


void (*GwyDialogPreviewFunc) ()
GtkWidget * gwy_dialog_new ()
void gwy_dialog_add_buttons ()
void gwy_dialog_add_content ()
void gwy_dialog_add_param_table ()
void gwy_dialog_remove_param_table ()
void gwy_dialog_set_preview_func ()
void gwy_dialog_set_instant_updates_param ()
GwyDialogOutcome gwy_dialog_run ()
void gwy_dialog_invalidate ()
void gwy_dialog_have_result ()
gboolean gwy_dialog_update_requested ()

Types and Values

enum GwyDialogOutcome
enum GwyPreviewType
enum GwyResponseType
struct GwyDialog
struct GwyDialogClass

Object Hierarchy

    ╰── GInitiallyUnowned
        ╰── GtkObject
            ╰── GtkWidget
                ╰── GtkContainer
                    ╰── GtkBin
                        ╰── GtkWindow
                            ╰── GtkDialog
                                ╰── GwyDialog

Implemented Interfaces

GwyDialog implements AtkImplementorIface and GtkBuildable.


#include <app/gwyapp.h>


GwyDialog is a GtkDialog suitable for most data processing modules (including volume data, graph, etc.). It offers simplified construction functions gwy_dialog_new(), gwy_dialog_add_buttons() and gwy_dialog_add_content().

The main feature is integration with GwyParamTable. Parameter tables are registered using gwy_dialog_add_param_table(). The dialog can then perform some simple tasks itself. For instance with gwy_dialog_set_instant_updates_param() the sensitivity of an Update button is handled automatically together with a part of the preview redrawing logic if you set up a preview function with gwy_dialog_set_preview_func().

GwyDialog also handles the state change logic typical for Gwyddion data processing modules. The function gwy_dialog_run() only exits when the dialog finishes with some kind of conclusion what to do next, see GwyDialogOutcome. Other response can either be handled completely automatically, for instance GWY_RESPONSE_RESET and GWY_RESPONSE_UPDATE, or in cooperation with the module which connects to the GtkDialog::response signal.

If you need to prepare the parameter tables before the automatic reset, connect to the signal normally and it will be run before the GwyDialog handler. If you need to touch up the tables afterwards connect your handler with G_CONNECT_AFTER.


GwyDialogPreviewFunc ()

(*GwyDialogPreviewFunc) (gpointer user_data);

Protoype of GwyDialog preview functions.



User data to passed to gwy_dialog_set_preview_func().


Since: 2.59

gwy_dialog_new ()

GtkWidget *
gwy_dialog_new (const gchar *title);

Creates a new data processing module dialog window.

The dialog is modal by default.



Title of the dialog window or NULL.



A new data processing module dialog window.

Since: 2.59

gwy_dialog_add_buttons ()

gwy_dialog_add_buttons (GwyDialog *dialog,
                        gint response_id,

Adds stock buttons to data processing module dialog window.

Beside GwyResponseType, the following GTK+ responses are recognised and handled automatically.

GTK_RESPONSE_OK or GTK_RESPONSE_ACCEPT creates an OK button which finishes the dialog with result GWY_DIALOG_PROCEED (or GWY_DIALOG_HAVE_RESULT if result has been calculated).

GTK_RESPONSE_CANCEL or GTK_RESPONSE_REJECT creates a Cancel button which finishes the dialog with result GWY_DIALOG_CANCEL.



A data processing module dialog window.



Response identifier from either GtkResponseType or GwyResponseType enum. Not all GtkResponseType values may do something useful.



List of more response identifiers, terminated by 0.


Since: 2.59

gwy_dialog_add_content ()

gwy_dialog_add_content (GwyDialog *dialog,
                        GtkWidget *child,
                        gboolean expand,
                        gboolean fill,
                        gint padding);

Adds a widget to the data processing module dialog window content area.

By tradition, the dialog content is in a vertical GtkBox. Parameters expand , fill and padding have the same meaning as in gtk_box_pack_start().



A data processing module dialog window.



Child widget to add.



TRUE if the child is to be given extra space allocated to the content area.



TRUE if space given by expand option is actually allocated to child , rather than just padding it



Extra space to put between child and its neighbours, including outer edges.


Since: 2.59

gwy_dialog_add_param_table ()

gwy_dialog_add_param_table (GwyDialog *dialog,
                            GwyParamTable *partable);

Registers a parameter table with a data processing module dialog window.

This function does not pack the table's widget anywhere; it just registers the table with dialog . Pack the table's widget obtained gwy_param_table_widget() to the dialog using gwy_dialog_add_content() or some other container widget.

All parameters in all parameter tables in a GwyDialog must have unique ids. This is because parameters are commonly refered to only by the id. When this condition is satisfied, different parameter tables can correspond to different GwyParamDef definition sets. Normally, however, multiple tables provide controls for different subsets of parameters defined by one GwyParamDef.

If multiple tables are added, parameters in any table can be changed inside a “param-changed” callback without triggering infinite recursion. This is because GwyDialog prevents recursion also during cross-updates.

Usually, you can just connect all “param-changed” signals to the same handler and ignore which table emitted the signal. All the useful information is in the parameter id.

The dialog consumes the floating reference of partable . Usually this has the desired effect that dialog becomes the only owner and the table is destroyed when dialog finishes. However, if you want to later use gwy_dialog_remove_param_table() without destroying the table you need to explicitly add your own reference.



A data processing module dialog window.



Parameter table to add.


Since: 2.59

gwy_dialog_remove_param_table ()

gwy_dialog_remove_param_table (GwyDialog *dialog,
                               GwyParamTable *partable);

Removes a parameter table from a data processing module dialog window.

Removal releases the reference dialog holds on partable . If you have not added your own reference partable will be destroyed when it is removed.



A data processing module dialog window.



Parameter table to remove.


Since: 2.59

gwy_dialog_set_preview_func ()

gwy_dialog_set_preview_func (GwyDialog *dialog,
                             GwyPreviewType prevtype,
                             GwyDialogPreviewFunc preview,
                             gpointer user_data,
                             GDestroyNotify destroy);

Sets the preview function for a data processing module dialog.

The preview function is called automatically when the dialog receives GWY_RESPONSE_UPDATE response and/or after gwy_dialog_invalidate(). Use gwy_dialog_set_instant_updates_param() if you have a parameter controlling instant updates.



A data processing module dialog window.



Preview style to use.



Function which performs the preview (or NULL for GWY_PREVIEW_NONE).



User data to pass to preview .



Function to call to free user_data (or NULL).


Since: 2.59

gwy_dialog_set_instant_updates_param ()

gwy_dialog_set_instant_updates_param (GwyDialog *dialog,
                                      gint id);

Sets the id of instant updates parameter for a data processing module dialog window.

The parameter must be a boolean. When it is TRUE previews are immediate and the dialog button corresponding to GWY_RESPONSE_UPDATE is insensitive. When it is FALSE previews are manual, on pressing the dialog button which is now sensitive.

Setting the instant updates parameter makes the sensitivity of update dialog button automatic. If you need more control over it do not use this function.



A data processing module dialog window.



Parameter identifier.


Since: 2.59

gwy_dialog_run ()

gwy_dialog_run (GwyDialog *dialog);

Runs a data processing module dialog window.

This function does not return until the dialog finishes with a final outcome. The final outcome is usually either cancellation or an OK response, as indicated by the return value. Other response types – preview, parameter reset or help – are generally handled inside and do not cause this function to return. Furthermore, the dialog is always destroyed when the function returns. These are the main differences from gtk_dialog_run().



A data processing module dialog window.



The final outcome of the dialog.

Since: 2.59

gwy_dialog_invalidate ()

gwy_dialog_invalidate (GwyDialog *dialog);

Notifies a data processing module dialog preview is no longer valid.

This function should be called from “param-changed” when a parameter influencing the result has changed. This means most parameter changes. Some parameter do require invalidation, for instance target graphs or mask colours.

The function can have multiple effects. In all cases it resets the result state back to having no results (nullifying any previous gwy_dialog_have_result()). Furthermore, if the preview style is GWY_PREVIEW_IMMEDIATE and instant updates are enabled it queues up a preview recomputation. The preview is added as an idle source to the GTK+ main loop. Therefore, gwy_dialog_invalidate() can be safely called multiple times in succession without triggering multiple recomputations.



A data processing module dialog window.


Since: 2.59

gwy_dialog_have_result ()

gwy_dialog_have_result (GwyDialog *dialog);

Notifies a data processing module dialog preview that results are available.

Modules may not have any other means of preview than the full computation of the final result. It is then useful to keep track whether it has been already computed to prevent unnecessary work.

Calling this function makes gwy_dialog_run() return GWY_DIALOG_HAVE_RESULT instead of the usual OK response GWY_DIALOG_PROCEED. This indicates the result do not need to be recalculated (presumably you stored them in a safe place). The state is reset back to no results by gwy_dialog_invalidate().



A data processing module dialog window.


Since: 2.59

gwy_dialog_update_requested ()

gwy_dialog_update_requested (GwyDialog *dialog);

Reports whether preview was explicitly requested by the user.

If the dialog has both immediate (partial) previews and an Update button to run a slower computation, the preview function usually needs to distinguish between invocations from invalidation and pressing Update button. It can be done using this function. If the preview is invoked by user pressing button with GWY_RESPONSE_UPDATE response id then it returns TRUE, otherwise FALSE.



A data processing module dialog window.



TRUE if the Update button has been pressed since the last preview; FALSE if it has not been pressed.

Since: 2.64

Types and Values

enum GwyDialogOutcome

Type of conclusion from a data processing module dialog.



The dialog was cancelled or destroyed. The module should save changed parameters but no data should be modified.



The computation should proceed. Normally this means the user pressed the OK button. If the results are already available GWY_DIALOG_HAVE_RESULT is used instead.



The computation has already been done. This response is used when gwy_dialog_have_result() has been called since the last gwy_dialog_invalidate().


Since: 2.59

enum GwyPreviewType

Style of preview in a data processing dialog.



There is no preview. This is the default if you do not set any preview function. It does not make much sense to use it when setting up a preview function.



Preview occurs immediately, either unconditionally or controlled by an instant updates checkbox. Dialog invalidation queues a preview if instant updates are not disabled.



Preview is only upon request, usually by pressing a button with response GWY_RESPONSE_UPDATE. Dialog invalidation does not queue a preview.


Since: 2.59

enum GwyResponseType

Type of predefined dialog response types.



Reset of all parameters (that do not have the no-reset flag set). Adding it to a GwyDialog creates a Reset button which is normally handled fully by the dialog itself.



Update of the preview. Adding it to a GwyDialog creates an Update button which is normally handled fully by the dialog itself (including sensitivity tied to an instant updates parameter).



Clearing/resetting of selection. Adding it to a GwyDialog creates a Clear button. You need to connect to “response” and handle the response yourself.


Since: 2.59

struct GwyDialog

struct GwyDialog;

Object representing a set of parameter definitions.

The GwyDialog struct contains no public fields.

Since: 2.59

struct GwyDialogClass

struct GwyDialogClass {
    GtkDialogClass parent;

Class of parameter definition sets.

Since: 2.59

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