Gwyddion – Free SPM (AFM, SNOM/NSOM, STM, MFM, …) data analysis software

Index of new symbols in 2.46 (HEAD)


gwy_data_field_copy_units_to_surface, function in GwySurface
gwy_data_field_get_line_stats_mask, function in stats
gwy_data_field_mark_scars, function in correct
gwy_data_field_new_rotated, function in GwyDataField
gwy_data_field_new_rotated_90, function in GwyDataField


GwyPeakBackgroundType, enum in GwyPeaks
GwyPeakOrderType, enum in GwyPeaks
GwyPeakQuantity, enum in GwyPeaks
GwyPeaks, struct in GwyPeaks
gwy_peaks_analyze, function in GwyPeaks
gwy_peaks_analyze_dataline, function in GwyPeaks
gwy_peaks_analyze_xy, function in GwyPeaks
gwy_peaks_free, function in GwyPeaks
gwy_peaks_get_quantity, function in GwyPeaks
gwy_peaks_new, function in GwyPeaks
gwy_peaks_n_peaks, function in GwyPeaks
gwy_peaks_set_background, function in GwyPeaks
gwy_peaks_set_order, function in GwyPeaks


GwyRotateResizeType, enum in gwyprocessenums


gwy_surface_copy_units_to_data_field, function in GwySurface
gwy_surface_set_from_data_field_mask, function in GwySurface
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