GwyFDCurvePreset — Force-distance curve fitting presets
GwyInventory * | gwy_fd_curve_presets () |
GwyFDCurvePresetBuiltin | |
struct | GwyFDCurvePreset |
struct | GwyFDCurvePresetClass |
GObject ╰── GwyResource ╰── GwyNLFitPreset ╰── GwyFDCurvePreset
#include <libgwyddion/gwyddion.h>
Force-distance curve fitting presets are a particular subtype of non-linear fitting presets. They have their own class and inventory, but they are functionally identical to GwyNLFitPresets.
GwyInventory *
gwy_fd_curve_presets (void
Gets inventory with all the FD curve presets.
FD curve preset inventory.
Since: 2.7
typedef struct _GwyFDCurvePresetBuiltin GwyFDCurvePresetBuiltin;
struct GwyFDCurvePreset;
struct GwyFDCurvePresetClass { };