Gwyddion – Free SPM (AFM, SNOM/NSOM, STM, MFM, …) data analysis software

Gwyddion Data Processing Library Reference Manual (HEAD)

For Gwyddion 2.66.20240727. The latest version of this document can be found on-line at

GwyDataLine — One-dimensional data representation
GwyDataField — Two-dimensional data representation
GwySpectra — Collection of dataline representing point spectra.
GwyBrick — Three-dimensional data representation
GwySurface — General two-dimensional data
GwyLawn — Three-dimensional data representation
GwyCalibration — Resource for managing calibrations
GwyCalData — General calibration data
arithmetic — Arithmetic opetations on data fields
cdline — Critical dimension
correct — Data correction
correlation — Correlation and crosscorrelation
cwt — Continuous Wavelet Transform
dwt — Discrete Wavelet Transform
elliptic — Functions to work with elliptic areas
filters — Convolution and other 2D data filters
fractals — Fractal dimension calculation, fractal interpolation
grains — Grain detection and processing
GwyGrainValue — Grain value resource type
hough — Hough transform
inttrans — FFT and other integral transforms
interpolation — General interpolation functions
level — Leveling and background removal
linestats — One-dimensional statistical functions
simpleFFT — Simple FFT algorithm
GwyPeaks — Graph peak analyser
GwyShapeFitPreset — 3D geometrical shape fitting functions
GwySpline — Sampling curves in plane
stats — Two-dimensional statistical functions
stats uncertainty — Uncertainties of statistical functions
tip — SPM tip methods
MFM — Magnetic force microscopy
synth — Synthetic data generation
triangulation — Delaunay and Voronoi triangulation and interpolation
gwyprocess — Base functions
gwyprocessenums — Common enumerations
Index of all symbols
Index of deprecated symbols
Index of new symbols in 2.1
Index of new symbols in 2.2
Index of new symbols in 2.3
Index of new symbols in 2.4
Index of new symbols in 2.5
Index of new symbols in 2.7
Index of new symbols in 2.8
Index of new symbols in 2.11
Index of new symbols in 2.12
Index of new symbols in 2.18
Index of new symbols in 2.22
Index of new symbols in 2.23
Index of new symbols in 2.26
Index of new symbols in 2.29
Index of new symbols in 2.30
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Index of new symbols in 2.61
Index of new symbols in 2.62
Index of new symbols in 2.63
Index of new symbols in 2.64
Index of new symbols in 2.66

This library contains classes representing one- and twodimensional data, and all kinds of data processing methods operating on them.

© David Nečas and Petr Klapetek

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